
Name The Banks’ CIO Forum (BCIOF) Category CSR


The Huruluwewa Divisional Hospital is located in Yakalla, 210km away from Colombo in the Anuradhapura district. This hospital, which supports approximately 2,000 -3,000 patients was on the verge of shutting down in 2010 due to lack of medical doctors and necessary laboratory resources.

The majority of the admissions to the hospital are for chronic kidney and digestive track disease resulting from snake bites and water contamination. Even though the hospital supported basic blood testing, blood screening, analysis and detection was carried out in Anuradhapura. The traveling time for over 40Km between Huruluwewa and Anuradhapura resulted in patient fatality in some cases.

In view of supporting the people in this area the Banks’ CIO forum donated Rs. 1.5M  worth of  laboratory facilities required for blood screening, analysis and detection of this hospital. The newly donated equipment now helps the patients to get diagnosed without delay, preventing a number of untimely deaths, in some cases that of the sole breadwinner of a family in this area.




Anuradhapura District